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1st Annual Hollywood Comedy Shorts Film Festival Official Selections
Lopez Williams
John Lawniczak
Francis Corby Ceschin
Perez Bros
Joshua Smooha
Nathan Deming
Adam Jason Finmann
Justin Joseph Chan
Samuel Quiles Palop
Mike Roma
Anderson Cowan
Maan B. & Talha B.
Matt Cooper
Peter Mackie
Johanna Vanderspool
Ty Clancey
Danielle Burgio & Jamieson Tabb
Keagan Karnes
Bennet Silverman
Rory Uphold
Ian Mattingly
John F. Beach
Merve Tekin
Marty Keegan
Todd Kipp
Kimberly Hwang
Musashi Alexander
Kyle C. Mumford
Anaelle Morf
Chandler Kauffman
Natalia Provatas
Nicholas Woods
Ri Versteegh and Josie Martineaux
Marshall Allman
Jacob Meszaros
Ben Slatkin & Heather Girardi
Jamie Maule-ffinch
Alexander Fichera
Michael Steger & Brandee Steger
Matt Holt
Jonathan Chase
Greg Bro
Althea Root
Andy and Carolyn London
Eric Fisher
Andy Goldenberg
Michael Sykora
Adam Scott Epstein
Nic Stanich
TJ Dalrymple & Emily Sandifer
Nathan Bunker
Zach Lasry
Dillon Novak
Eric Fisher
Stephen Kramer Glickman
Peter Macaluso
Lisa Donato
Thomas Michael
Lincoln Hoppe
Jarret Tarnol
Jeanne Jo
Blake West
Adriano Valentini
Mike L Taylor
Matt Hausmann
Xavier Seron
Katherine Katz
Jay Feather & Stephanie Laing
Luke Asa Guidici
Roxanne Marciniak
Kelly Goodner
Mat Govoni
Nicolas Krief & Jean-François Chagnon
Mike Piccirillo
Rick Glassman
Greg Bro
Kenny Sharman and John Young
Chris Mangano
Morten Forland
Meghan Weinstein
Henning Ricke & Daniel Raboldt
Matteo J. Mosterts
Kyle Hansen
2 Self Help Books Away From Being Perfect
Breakfast Buddies
Coffee Virgin
Cootie Contagion
Dirty Cops
Dubstep Dodgeball
El Audífono (The Earpiece)
Everybody Dies
Film School Musical
For Annabelle
Fresh Blood
Gigi: All American
Girl Trip
Good Cop, Good Cop
Handjob Cabin (Official HD Trailer)
HelLA +
Hit The Hitman
Holloway Heights - The Web Series
Honey Pot
Huey, Duey & Lewis
Hug-O-Gram Ep. 2 Golden Showers
It's Not Always Sunny
Jackie Boy
Jamie & Jonathan
Jewish Blind Date
Karl Manhair, Postal Inspector
Lazy Actress
Like The Ant
Lonely Lil: American Father Figure
Make Like A Dog
Morning After
Murphy's Law
Not So Union
Not Sophie's Choice
Oh Em Gee
Oh Noah
Orphan is the New Orange
Our Crappy Town
Poker Face
Police and Quiet
Prop Knife
Q & A
Relationship Goals
Ruth & Norbert Catch Bigfoot
Sad Motivator
Small Business
Spanish Love 101
Stalker Breakup
Talentless Ep. 1
That Guy
The Age of Insecurity: Bed Buds
The Balcony
The Bigfoot Hunters
The Black Bear
The Cheerleader
The Crying Room
The Dead Kid Spot
The Litterbox
The Long Arm of the Leprecon
The Misfortune of Others
The Notion of Mistake
The Real Truth Behind The Real True Story: Donnie Miller
The Sixth Lead web series
Thugs the Musical: Drive-By
Time Pals
Total Awesome Viking Power
Trippin' With The Folks
Wally's Will
We'll Get It